5.4 Frequency of Revision of a Handicap Index Update
A player’s Handicap Index should be updated no later than the day after a score was submitted, or as soon as possible thereafter.
In a situation when a new round is played before the player’s Handicap Index has been updated, including when multiple rounds are played on the same day, it is recommended that the player uses their existing Handicap Index. However, in certain circumstances, the Committee in charge of the competition (or the Handicap Committee) has the discretion to decide what Playing Handicap the player should use (see Rule 7.2 Committee in Charge of a Competition).
5.4/1 – Example Situation When Committee in Charge of a Competition May Adjust a Player’s Playing Handicap In a situation where a player has performed exceptionally well in an authorized format of play during a morning round and is playing a competition round later the same day, as the player's Handicap Index will not be updated until the next day, the Committee in charge of the competition may decide to adjust the player's Playing Handicap. The Committee should consider all of the information available before deciding whether to adjust the player’s Playing Handicap, including what impact the score may have had on the player's Handicap Index and whether the player would obtain any unfair advantage because their Handicap Index has not been updated. 5.4/2 – Golf Club Responsibility to Post Scores As Soon As Possible Where it is the responsibility of a golf club to post scores at the end of each day, this must be done as soon as possible and preferably before midnight to support the Rules of Handicapping. This is important because it:
Failure to carry out this responsibility may compromise the integrity of the Rules of Handicapping. |